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Search Results for "thoracic"

Activ8r Thoracic Back Mobility and Pain Relief Video

Activ8r - Thoracic Mobility and Pain Relief

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MyoTool Thoracic Spine Video

MyoTool - Treatments to Thoracic Spine

One of the highlights of the MyoTool, it's used to self-treat the thoracic spine and ribs through mobilization and massage.

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Chair Based Exercises for Thoracic Extension

Sit at a desk for a good portion of the day? Want to improve posture and thoracic extension? These three thoracic extension exercises are designed for desk workers who want a fast and effective way to get the hips, spine and neck feeling good. Just grab a chair and your foam roller to get started!

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Thoracic Paraspinals Release Techniques

Try these release techniques to ease tension in mid and upper-back.

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3 Thoracic Mobility Exercises with the PRO-ROLLER® Standard.jpg

Noticing a rounded back due to lots of sitting and/or poor posture? Your thoracic mobility is likely one of many potential causes!

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Sitting with Correct Posture using the Thoracic Lumbar Back Support - Summer of Self-Care

In this video, Physical Therapist Nicole Mikulski, PT, DPT, OMPT provides some quick tips on how to sit with proper posture to avoid back pain.

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Introducing the Thoracic Lumbar Back Support™ from OPTP

OPTP's Thoracic Lumbar Back Support™ is the complete sitting support, providing support to your entire back and promoting proper sitting posture wherever you sit.

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Thoracic Paraspinal (Erector Spinae) Release Techniques

The thoracic paraspinal muscles are often referred to as the erector spinae. This area is comprised of three groups of muscles:

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Shoulder and Thoracic Mobility Exercises with the PRO-ROLLER®

Improve thoracic mobility and shoulder mobility with the exercises shown here. You will need a foam roller to complete these exercises. These movements will help improve range of motion in the upper back and shoulders.

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Hanging Handles by Bob and Brad

Created by Bob and Brad, the Hanging Handles are a simple, easy way to perform exercises to help decompress the thoracic and lumbar spine (mid- and low-back) and promote the health and range of motion of the shoulders.

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Release Techniques for the Scapula

Many individuals with tightness in the shoulders, lower neck and mid/upper back can benefit from the release techniques in this video. These release techniques for the scapular region will help free up mobility in the thoracic spine and shoulders.

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Shoulder Release Techniques with the OPTP Pro Point

These release techniques are great for throwing athletes, over head athletes, or anyone suffering from tightness around the shoulders, thoracic spine or neck.

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