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Deborah B. Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd

Deborah RiczoDeborah B. Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd

Since 2000, Deborah has specialized in helping patients manage sacroiliac and pelvic girdle pain. She developed the Pelvic Girdle Musculoskeletal MethodSM (the PGM MethodSM), an evidence-based program that provides a simple step-by-step approach to treating sacroiliac and pelvic girdle pain. Since 2011, Deborah has educated other practioners on the PGM MethodSM through physical therapy continuing education courses and presentations at state, national and international conferences, as well as doctoral programs. Deborah has written two self-treatment books based on this method and continues to provide patient education through social media (@RiczoHealthEducation on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube).
Learn more: riczohealtheducation.com and on Instagram: @pelvicgirdlehealth

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