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3 Amazing Pilates Props You Need to Try

Josh Crane, OPTP Staff Writer - May 31, 2017

When Joseph Pilates first administered his exercise regimen in early 1900s Germany, it was practiced mainly by soldiers returning from war. Much has changed since those beginning days, but the method continues to be admired by many all over the world. More and more people today are discovering the benefits of Pilates, an exercise discipline that inspires focused, controlled movements.   

Advances in Pilates equipment have provided us with fresh new exercises, as well as creative challenges for existing ones. While the following three props might not have been part of Joseph Pilates’ original vision, they might be just what you need to spark motivation and take your workout to the next level.

1.    ActivMotion Bar®
What is it?
The ActivMotion Bar is a unique piece of fitness equipment that was developed by personal trainer and strength and conditioning specialist Derek Mikulski. At first glance, it may seem just like any other weighted bar you’d find in the gym. But once you pick it up, you quickly realize that’s not the case. Weighted ball bearings inside the bar shift back and forth, creating instability as well as a very intriguing sound. The shifting weight challenges and activates your core muscles during exercise, with some studies revealing as much as a 173% increase in core engagement over traditional fitness tools.

What makes it amazing?
Unlike other props you may have used during Pilates workouts, the ActivMotion Bar is constantly moving, providing continuous feedback regarding your positioning, areas of weakness, and imbalances. Being that it requires more strength and stability to operate, the bar forces you to become aware of your body and engage muscles you may not otherwise use in order maintain controlled balance.

How do you use it?
The ActivMotion Bar can be used during either mat or reformer workouts. Half roll-down variations where you either attempt to keep the bar stable or tilt it from side to side are just one of many moves that work nicely with this unique tool’s design. The bars come in several weight and length variations, though the 4.5lb ActivMotion Bar is ideal for Pilates. A book by Derek Mikulski, Activating Functional Mobility, explains in more detail how to use the bar and demonstrates exercises for Pilates, therapy, and golf.
ActivMotion Bar ExerciseActivMotion Bar Exercise

2.    Stretch Out Strap™
What is it?
The Stretch Out Strap is a woven strap with multiple loops designed to help you get a good stretch, promoting flexibility and range of motion for major muscle groups. While the strap was originally intended as more of a pre and post-workout tool (warmup before athletic event or stretching afterward for aiding in injury prevention), Pilates and yoga enthusiasts have found that it’s perfect for use during an exercise routine as well.   

What makes it amazing?
The simplicity of the Stretch Out Strap’s design makes it incredibly easy to use, and the multiple loops ensure that people of all different sizes can make it work for them. The multiple loops also allow for a wide variety of exercises, bringing a new twist on familiar movements. For those who might not be quite as flexible, the loops enable them to perform movements more comfortably and effectively; movements that may have been more difficult or otherwise not possible. Another benefit: The small, lightweight strap is easily folded up and placed in a bag for taking to the studio.      

How do you use it?
Traditional Pilates movements integrate nicely with the Stretch Out Strap. The strap assists in exercises that lengthen and strengthen the body, helping build greater control and awareness of movement. The classic spine roll is an example of a move that is enhanced with the strap. By placing your hands in the strap loops at holding them taut above your head while performing spine rolls, you make this move more challenging and obtain additional core strengthening benefits. Moves such as this, along with many others, can be found in Angela Kneale’s exercise book, Stretch Out Strap Pilates Essentials.

Stretch Out Strap Spine Roll 3Stretch Out Strap Spine Roll 2Stretch Out Strap Spine Roll 1

What is it?
The two-sided design of the SMARTOLLER foam roller is unlike other foam rollers on the market. With both a flatter side and a rounder side, it provides the ability to easily make any exercise less challenging or more challenging. Like traditional full-length rollers it measures 36” in length, allowing you to fully lie on it to perform a wide range of exercises. The unique two-in-one roller is the creation of physical therapist and certified Pilates instructor Stacy Barrows.   

What makes it amazing?
The SMARTROLLER offers the same benefits of tension release, self-massage and increased flexibility that traditional foam rollers do, but its dual-sided design takes things one step further. Used with the flatter side down it is ideal for balance movements, while placing the rounder side down provides a more challenging, dynamic workout. In addition to Pilates moves, the SMARTROLLER can also be integrated into training principles of the Feldenkrais Method®, a sensorimotor learning approach that promotes higher states of body awareness.

How do you use it?
Since the SMARTROLLER offers both a traditional rounder side as well as a flatter side, you can choose your level of challenge. For those who are less experienced, exercises can be performed with the flatter side down for increased stability. A simple flip to the rounder side down results in more of a core stability challenge. Exercises such as the abdominal curl-up (pictured with the spine resting comfortably along the flat side) are excellent for core strengthening. This is just one of many possibilities demonstrated in Barrows’ SMARTROLLER Guide to Optimal Movement, an exercise manual designed for diverse ages and abilities.

SmartRoller Sit Up

Keep Evolving
Pilates, both its exercises and equipment, continues to evolve. As we learn more about health science, the practice will only further be enhanced by a deeper understanding of the body and new tools designed to promote strong, efficient movement. By adding products like the ones mentioned above to your routine, you, too will be able to evolve; mixing things up and adapting to your needs as you progress. 


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Josh Crane, OPTP Staff Writer

As a health and wellness enthusiast, Josh enjoys writing about events, new products, and research in the therapy and fitness fields.

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