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10 Tips to Stay Active and Healthy at the Office

Amy Bowman, OPTP Staff Writer - June 13, 2019

According to the American Heart Association, sedentary jobs have increased 83% since 1950 and physically active jobs now make up only about 25% of the U.S. workforce. This means that the majority of working Americans are spending quite a few hours sitting every day, which we all know can have some serious negative consequences. Take control with these 10 tips to help you stay active and healthy during the workday, even at your desk job.  
1.  Get an exercise ball 
Sit on an exercise ball instead of your regular office chair for 30 minutes or more every day. Consider alternating between your chair and the exercise ball throughout the day. 
2.  Get moving 
Get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour. Do a lap around the building, take a trip to the water cooler to fill up your water bottle, say hello to a colleague who works in another part of the building, or step outside for a few minutes of fresh air. 
3.  Try a standing desk 
Find out if it’s an option to get a standing desk, a treadmill desk, or a sit-stand desk which will allow you to alternate between sitting and standing during the day. 
4.  Hold walking meetings 
Need to hold an informal meeting or brainstorm session? Take it out of the office for a walking meeting outside, bonus points if you can find a wooded trail or park to walk in. 
5.  Commute by bike  
If possible, ride your bike or walk to work instead of driving or taking the bus. If you normally take the bus and the distance is too far to bike or walk, consider getting off at an earlier stop and walking the rest of the way to work. 
6.  Check the ergonomics of your workspace 
Have the ergonomics of your workspace checked to ensure that your chair and computer are at the correct height and that your keyboard is at a comfortable distance and in a position that won’t cause additional strain on your hands and wrists. 
7.  Get a lumbar roll 
Need additional back support? Consider getting a lumbar roll to attach to your desk chair, which will provide lower back support and help you maintain a healthy posture. 
8.  Do strength exercises at your desk  
Keep small hand weights or resistance bands at your desk and do simple strength exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises, and overhead presses. 
9.  Try desk Pilates  
Desk Pilates is different from many other forms of exercise because it invites you to move mindfully, focus on your breathing, and strengthen your deep postural muscles. Learn simple Pilates movements you can do at your desk in the book Desk Pilates: Living Pilates Every Day, 2ndEdition
10.  Focus on your breathing 
Sounds pretty simple, but just a few minutes of focused breathing can help reduce stress, anxiety and negative feelings while improving your ability to concentrate. 
Don’t let your desk job negatively affect your health. Adopting just a few of these simple habits can help you improve your workday and your health. 


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Amy Bowman, OPTP Staff Writer

Amy is a Minneapolis runner, cyclist and yoga enthusiast who enjoys writing about health and wellness, physical therapy and fitness topics.

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